Nomhop Kaunas - Open Running Dinner

Icn search place Kaunas, Lithuania Icn search date 2019-10-12

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17 already joined

Event plan

All info (i.e. address and contact details of the hosts) will be available here on the day of the event. You will also get an email and a notification via Nomhop app.

All info (i.e. address and contact details of the hosts) will be available here on the day of the event. You will also get an email and a notification via Nomhop app.

All info (i.e. address and contact details of the hosts) will be available here on the day of the event. You will also get an email and a notification via Nomhop app.

An afterparty is planned for the event. Everybody is welcome, so please join and share your evening experience!


|EN - scroll below|

„Running Dinner“ yra atviras gero maisto renginys, kuris užsienyje ir Lietuvoje populiarus tarp kosmopolitiškų gero maisto patirčių ieškančių miestiečių ir miesto svečių.
Jums nereikia būti profesionaliu šefu ar turėti ypatingą virtuvę! Viskas ko reikia – užsiregistruoti ir nusiteikti neįprastam ir gurmaniškam šeštadienio vakaro nuotykiui. Visa kita informacija jus pasieks per Nomhop programėlę. Renginio dalyvio mokestis – 3 eur.


„Running Dinner“ vakarienės esmė ta, kad skirtingos jos dalys – užkandis, pagrindinis patiekalas ir desertas – ruošiamos skirtingose miesto vietose skirtingų komandų. Tu ir tavo draugai gaminate vieną iš šių patiekalų ir vaišinate savo namuose kitas dvi komandas, o kitus du patiekalus jūs vykstate ragauti į kitas vietas.

Kiekviena tokia vakarienė yra nuotykis – tu ne tik ragauji naujus skanius patiekalus, bet ir anksčiau nelankytose miesto vietose susipažįsti su naujais įdomiais žmonėmis. Po vakarienės visi renginio dalyviai susitinka pasidalinti patirtimi bendrame vakarėlyje.

Užtikrinti sklandų maršrutą dalyvių kelionė iki dalyvių virtuvės automobiliu turi trukti neilgiau negu 20 min. nuo Kauno rotušės (

Daugiau informacijos apie renginį pasiekiama čia (tik anglų k.) -

Tam tikromis aplinkybėmis organizatoriai negali užtikrinti vėliau užsiregistravusių dalyvių registracijos (dalyvio mokestis tokiais atvejais grąžinimas), todėl verta registruotis kiek galima labiau iš anksto.


Running Dinner is a social dining event, bringing together open-minded people who shares love for great meals. It is OPEN for all! In a team of two or three people, you will spend a Saturday evening strolling around Kaunas to eat a three-course dinner in three different locations, at the homes of food lovers. One of the locations will be your place, where you will host and serve two visiting teams. The most fascinating part is that not until the very last hour will you know whom you will meet for the three different courses. So, let's make Kaunas dine together again!

Ticket price - 3 EUR (per participant). Get your tickets early!

This is an open-for-all event, so you can invite all of your friends. Indeed, invite all nice people who enjoys great meals!

Two days before the event, on Nomhop app will be shown which course you and your team will be cooking on Saturday – starter, main course or dessert. Then you and your cooking team should decide what recipe to cook. Including guests into the cooking process is welcome, thus prepare some paprika and carrots to chop. Remember that you will cook for six to nine people in total. Relax and enjoy the flow - Nomhop app takes care of your dining journey.

To ensure a smooth flow for the participants, the kitchen must be reachable by car within 20 minutes from the Town Hall (Rotušė) -

For more information on how Nomhop events work, see

First-in-first-served principle applies for our event - join early to eliminate chances of not getting through event validation process (we are refunding tickets in such occurrences).

Event pricing

Single registration without kitchen. Consider registering your kitchen to have better chances of participation.

If you will decide to add more people to your team - you will need to pay for additional members.

If you don't have a third member for the team, but want to have more help in the kitchen - allow one more person to join your team. It's also cheaper.

If you want to get a better price - you can set your team as accepting 1 extra person. If not - that is totally fine, a couple user team is sufficient to have a great event.